After writing this song
this Scripture came to mind.

1 Corinthians 15:33-38

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God:
I speak this to your shame.
But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?
Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:
And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be,
but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:
But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him,
and to every seed his own body.

The Plight of Seeds

By Keith Billings


I water the flowers daily sensing all a theme
I perceive a moments answer to the dream.
There is a foundation there to create the spirits aim.
A moment sustained to seek both as the same.
Through the Holy Spirit the truthful ease of communion.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Longing only for a truth unbound and a right agreed
between the picture of time and behind a face of need.
Knowing quickly the aims of the Spirits parade.
Emotion revealed as deep as the Spirits' Ocean made.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Turning around like a traitor for coins
assaulting all the interests of the Cross.
Disregarding any curiosity shown as – Never Known.
Presenting one and all to the Lord their fruitless worth.
Dying with their rediscovered spirits broken.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Inside the Door that spun around.
Locked inside and closed off from the cover of their mother earth.
All the interest shown for the Spirit, they won’t deny.
Yet to turn one another to the Son...
they hide, or ἐάω, and they won't.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

All of the truths that are, know you’re watching the world.
Implore your life to float and leave behind the old.
Oh how we climb and stumble with ourselves out in the cold.
Forgetting that the answer to the dream... we hold.
Watching all of the world,
watching us go by.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Sad preacher intent upon the closed door of time.
Unknown Teacher always there to remind me of the rhyme.
I know there'll be no false prophet there to sanctify,
and earthly ties, left as dust, will die.
Reach out as assertive dreams begin to enter you.
Be heedful as the Spirit guides and leads you too.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

I listened hard... but could not be
life’s mover changing out the inside of me.
Somehow the preacher trained must lose his name;
The Teacher travels, asking truth be known as sane.
In the end, we'll all see, we’ll all weep, we’ll all realize
the truth of our spirit maturing in His eyes.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Learned seeds of spirits the known untaught.
Locked outside in, living naught but fraught
Leave away hard lessons, take only the grace of your destiny.
Fathers truth a gift for all...You don't belong with the enemy.
The truth in the ease of communion shown in His eyes.
No other lesson learned can lead you faster to tsalach.

All complete in the plight of seeds
and life with you.

Remember the Holy Spirit beckoning...
Every morning... and evening... in life... with you.


Deuteronomy 28:38

Thou shalt carry much seed out into the field,
and shalt gather but little in;
for the locust shall consume it.

Copyright © 2011 Keith Billings