Software development

React Suspense React Hooks Handbook

This doesn’t only remove boilerplate code, but it also simplifies making quick design changes. For example, if we wanted profile details and posts to always “pop in” together, we could delete the boundary between them. Or we could make them independent from each other by giving each its own boundary. Suspense lets us change the granularity of our loading states and orchestrate their sequencing without invasive changes to our code. Of course, this is possible to fix in this particular example.

Should you use suspense in React?

At the time of writing, the React team only officially recommends using Suspense for lazy loading components with React.

Now let’s build a simple app to drive these concepts home and see how we can implement the fetchData() function above. There’s also the fact that the parent component now has to manage state for UserWelcome and Todos. This doesn’t scale very well both in terms of developer and user experience. While both fetchUserDetails and fetchTodos() are started in parallel, we would still need to wait for the slower request between the two to complete before we render any useful data. In a component with a fair number of other components that each make their own async calls, this could lead to a slow and janky user experience. Check out this guide that shows you how to implement React.Suspense and React.lazy() to add lazy loading to React router.

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We’ve now removed our prior UI (since by now it’s quite old, and stale) and are waiting on the search shown in the disabled menu bar. Some of you may already be using Suspense in your apps for data fetching. At the time of writing, the React team only officially recommends using Suspense for lazy loading components with React.lazy().

// Finally, the Promise result is returned once it’s resolved. // Suspense-aware interface, and sets the pending Promise. We spent 9 months refreshing our website, join us to learn from our experience.

Which famous website uses React?

Facebook. This is the first website made with React. The company demonstrated the benefits of its framework on a personal example when it had not yet been published.

However, the concept covers many other use cases, such as loading remote data. It’s worth noting that “some kind of asynchronous action” could be anything involving a Promise. It might be a time-consuming mathematical computation. Doesn’t care, as long as it’s contained within a Promise. React’s Suspense feature has been around for a while; it was released all the way back in October 2018 with React 16.6.

It was written by me alone, so expect parts of it to be a bit unrefined . But first, for context, I’ll briefly cover how navigation state is managed in this app, so the Suspense code will make more sense. If you’re wondering about React Router, it seems great, but I’ve never had the chance to use it. My own side project has a simple enough routing story that I always just did it by hand.

Managing rendering order with Suspense

All you have to do is install the experimental mode of React, and change 1 line of code. Static getDerivedStateFromError() requires you to return an object to update state. These two lifecycles are similar in the way that they both get triggered when an error has occurred from child component.

Let’s say each of these children are large components with deeply nested trees. Historically, mounting these components would take time and slow down your initial load time. We would rather the user be able to see the page as soon as possible. With this approach, we can fetch code and data in parallel. When we navigate between pages, we don’t need to wait for a page’s code to load to start loading its data.

react suspense

In this example, the SearchResults component suspends while fetching the search results. Try typing “a”, waiting for the results, and then editing it to “ab”. The results for “a” will get replaced by the loading fallback. It does not couple data fetching to the view layer; it merely aids in the presentation of a loading indicator without attaching the network logic to the component.

If you’re learning about Suspense, you should also learn about Error Boundaries

The query will update immediately, so the input will display the new value. However, the deferredQuery will keep its previous value until the data has loaded, so SearchResults will show the stale results for a bit. Now that we have all our components ready, we’ll render them in the UserDashboard component. This component will fetch a mock todo data from the JSONPlaceholder mock endpoint, we’ll render this as a todo list on our user’s dashboard as well. Without an error boundary, our App will crash and render a blank page with errors in the console.

  • Suspense feels more like reading data synchronously — as if it were already loaded.
  • It lets data fetching libraries deeply integrate with React.
  • When you call it, any state change you perform will happen in memory.
  • The results for “a” will get replaced by the loading fallback.
  • The micro-graphql-react module does indeed have a preload method, and I urge you to use it.
  • In this section, we’ve seen how React suspense can be used in multiple data fetching components.

It’s also something we all should have been doing already, even though nobody else was. Has your brain turned to mush reading other things on Suspense that talked about waterfalls, fetch-on-render, preloading, etc? In writing this blog post, I used Chrome’s slow network modes to help force loading to be slow, to test my Suspense boundaries. The settings are in the Network tab of Chrome’s dev tools.

If Biography hasn’t loaded yet, BigSpinner is shown in place of the entire content area. Suspense does not detect when data is fetched inside an Effect or event handler. In this article, we’re going to explore what is a Native Mobile App Development, a React Suspense Fallback UI, and how to use them in your React applications. A little later, I grab whichever component happens to be active, based on the current module name. The appStatePacket is the result of the app state reducer I discussed above .

How We Use Suspense in Relay​

The re-rendered children component will no longer execute the Promise because the data is cached. React version 16.x has taken the industry by storm since its release. Among the new features in this release, the most popular are Hooks, lazy loading, Suspense, cache…etc.

Which database is fast for React?

SQLite is a powerful and compact React Native local database. It is fast, lightweight, and easy to use, making it one of the best databases for React Native. It is suitable for developers who need a reliable database solution that can be easily embedded into their applications.

This is because Suspense for data fetching is not stable yet, so you need to manually opt in. This is because Promise.all waits until all the promises are resolved before resolving. Of course we could fix this by removing Promise.all and waiting for both requests separately, but this quickly becomes cumbersome as an application grows. Suspense gives React access to pending states in our applications. This allows us to render a fallback component declaratively while waiting.

The difficulty we’re experiencing is “synchronizing” several processes in time that affect each other. We’ve already kicked off the requests in fetchProfileData(). In a realistic example, it would be provided by our data library’s Suspense integration, like Relay. We call this approach “fetch-on-render” because it doesn’t start fetching until after the component has rendered on the screen. Unless you have a solution that helps prevent waterfalls, we suggest to prefer APIs that favor or enforce fetching before render.

The pieces of a Suspense-based navigation

Lastly, we have a default export so that we can use the wrapPromise function in other files. The reason we throw either the suspender variable or the error response variable is because we want to communicate back to Suspense that the Promise is not yet resolved. Status is initialized to “pending” by default, because that’s the default state of any new Promise. We then initialize a new variable, suspender, and set its value to the Promise and attach a then method to it.

It’s very similar to the UserWelcome component above with the only difference being the render logic and content. At the end of the file, we have a default export so that we can import this component in other files. Inspecting the networks tab shows this clearly, where the second request happens only after the first request is complete. This looks awfully similar to what I would usually do when I have a component that needs data from an API, but there’s a problem with it. Only split chunks of React applications that are not super critical to the user.

react suspense

We could remove the Promise.all() call, and wait for both Promises separately. However, this approach gets progressively more difficult as the complexity of our data and component tree grows. It’s hard to write reliable components when arbitrary parts of the data tree may be missing or stale. So fetching all data for the new screen and then rendering is often a more practical option. We expect to see a lot of experimentation in the community with other libraries.

If you work with a designer, ask them where the loading states should be placed—it’s likely that they’ve already included them in their design wireframes. In this article, we’ve learned how React suspense and error boundary works, we also explored the React fallback UI and how to implement them in a React application or web app. The last data fetching component is a user album component that’ll fetch data from the JSONPlaceholder endpoint and render it on the user dashboard. We’ll create a suspense fallback UI for our React app, this fallback UI will be rendered before our component is fully ready to be rendered.

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